Exposing Scripture Rocks

Douglas Stahlman

Douglas Stahlman
Events Log


Birth:  08/17/1861
Death:  MM/DD/1942
Parents:  Gabriel & Esther (Keck) Stahlman
Short Biography:     Born in Kirkman, Jefferson County
Attended Erie Commercial School
Lived in Valpraiso, Indiana for 15 years
Returned to Brookville in 1907. Rented a room in the Heber House.
Began his "Dedication Rocks" project in July, 1908
Dedicated over 500 rocks in the Brookville area with scripture writings chiseled using an old railroad spike and later a modern chisel.
He documented his writings and location of his rocks on several linen tablets (They exist today at the JCHGS)
Spent the final years of his life at the Dixmont State Hospital (some 25 years)

Stahlman and His Rocks

Chiseled  537 rocks with bible verses and words of scripture.

Also wrote verses on Beach trees.  One such tree still exists in Port Barnett area.

First Set of Rocks,including "Chapel Rock" located on Humphrey property on North side of Brookville, also known as Port Barnett.  Here he began holding services where up to 70 people would attend.

He dedicated four other chapel rocks, one of which he named "Alter Rock".

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